Isabella Groom

Welcome to my portfolio

C++ // C# // XAML

I am a final year BSc(hons) Computer Games Programming student at Staffordshire University. I have experience working in C#, C++ and XAML as well as using Unity and proprietary engines.

Car AI

My project for an optial module "Artificial Intelligence in Games" during my second year. In this project I was given a simple framework which I built upon to implement various AI concepts such as steering behaviours, pathfinding and state machine descion making using C++.


One of my projects for the first year of my course, made with C++, it features two playable levels with collectables, music and enemies.

Stray Soul

My synoptic project for NEXTGEN Games, animation and VFX level 3 Aim award, for which I built and programmed two playable levels ,which I pitched and lead a team of modellers and other game developers, using Unity and C#.



I am learning to use C++ during my time at Stafforshire University, recently I further developed my skills by completing a module focusing on optimisation and memory management techniques. During this module I managed and tracked memory allocation and optimised physics calculations.


During my second year at Staffordshire University, I used C# in a module focusing on concurrent network applications, and used it to create a simple messaging program where two clients were able to send messages to each other through a server.

Unity Engine

I learnt to use the Unity Engine on my NEXTGEN level 3 Games, Animation and VFX course. I have used it to make my Stray Soul Project.

Current Projects

I am currently writing my dissertation "Identifying best practices for WYSIWYG tools for UI game development", where I am also developing a small UI editor using Slate and Unreal Engine 5. I am also learning about advanced real-time graphics and created a graphics framework.